Dental practitionerMedic stomatolog
0332 433 000
Dental practitionerMedic stomatolog
Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Asisstent professor U.M.F. “Gr.T.Popa” IasiMedic specialist chirurgie orală și maxilo-facială Asistent universitar U.M.F. “Gr.T.Popa” Iași
Doctor of Medical Sciences, MD Pediatrician, Member of the Romanian Society of Pediatrics. Competencies: Professor in childcare Denver II Test Master Instructor University of Medical Sciences – Colorado U.S. Doctor în
MD General surgery, member of the Royal College of England Surgeons ( FRCS ) Skills: Surgical Oncology, Esophagus surgery, liver and biliary surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery –
Geographic tongue is a common condition with a characteristic appearance. It appears on tongue areas with irregular outlines, like a map. Usually the aspect is with irregular white lines and
Dry mouth syndrome is described as a feeling of dryness and burning mouth. Saliva is the indispensable grease for the oral mucosa. Saliva contains enzymes that helps dissolving food and swallowing.
0332 433 000
Str. Eternitate 21